Sunday, July 10, 2005
Previous Posts
- Ever saw a freak like this ?All fixed by Henri ban...
- Henri got new shirts !!!All fixed by Henri banks H...
- "Trying to Reach Heaven"
- someone saw this one already (hehe)All fixed by He...
- "night,bird,fly" by comfy
- Green Comfy or Natural ComfortableAll fixed by Hen...
- BlueAll fixed by Henri banks Himself
- Royal & Esplanade Streets on the edge of the Frenc...
- Chicago Police paintedAll fixed by Henri banks Him...
- Is this The Bridge ?All fixed by Henri banks Himself
for website adequacy
the End (when you want to see more go to the archives)
This is a great man, not b/c he's powerful or has a nuclear arsenal at his disposal, but b/c he can still practice true compassion after the heanous things that have occured to him and to the people of Tibet.
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