Happy belated St. Patrick's Day...

For those, like myself, who lives in the North, I wanted to say, yes, we had bad temperature too yesterday. It was the traditionnal St. Pat Snowstorm!!! :O) They say we had around 1 foot of snow, but depending of the wind, it could look a "little" more. This is how the window of my bedroom looked yesterday morning. Strangely, there was not an inche on my balcony... :O)

It got cold here too, but no snow!
Geez. Same to you Clo!
Nice photo's Clo, Hope you keep it warm and cosey. It is snowing here also, North of Holland. It melts soon
Boah so much snow here in berlin its almost summer again!!
Always funny to show our temperature! Hope it will melt soon! Now it's cold, but in some days, it's suppose to go over 0 celcius!
Snow is fun if you don't have to drive to work.
No, I don't... :O)
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