Webb Creek

I usually hang out at the Lagunitas Creek, but yesterday I visited the delightful Webb Creek, which is on the coast, about 2 miles south of Stinson Beach... And while the Lagunitas Creek is known for it's ripples and reflections, Webb Creek seems to be a better place for bubbles and little waterfalls...
great detail of the waters movement you always capture the detail so well
more beautiful cristal pictures :)
It is hard to make pictures of quick moving water, you did it!
Thanks Kimberly, Watchthis, and Griesmail for the kind comments... I always have to play with my photos a bit in Photoshop to bring up the low values, and I usually have to brighten them overall and boost the contrast a bit -- hopefully without blowing-out the whites... And of course, my secret weapon is the "sharpen" filter (most Photoshoppers use the "unsharp mask") because the zoom lens on my Sony DSC-F717 tends to be kind of soft -- especially when I "experience" a little hand-held camera movement... --I've got my eye on a new Canon 5D with a 75-300 lens featuring "image-stabilization", so if I can muster up the buck$, we'll see how that goes... --Oh yes, I do have a nice tripod, but shamefully, I am so lazy that I almost never use it... Thanks again for the compliments -- I'm flying high...
These are so gorgeous. I can see a book made from these nature/water shots.
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