
Monday, June 04, 2007


At Monday, June 04, 2007 3:07:00 PM, Blogger Jozee said...

I don't like this- it makes you look dead. That's a personal reponse. A response is a response. So you've created a very powerful image.

At Monday, June 04, 2007 4:04:00 PM, Blogger Trijnie said...

your dark side?

At Monday, June 04, 2007 4:50:00 PM, Blogger henri Banks said...

i playin with it for a longer time now makin a mysterious picture!!!

At Tuesday, June 05, 2007 1:37:00 AM, Blogger merlinprincesse said...

I agree with Jo. You are frightenint! :P

At Tuesday, June 05, 2007 7:08:00 AM, Blogger Ratzfatz said...

JESUS ...!!!?

At Tuesday, June 05, 2007 2:40:00 PM, Blogger Kimberley said...

OK Henri, this officially freaked me out (a little) It looks as though you were possessed..would be a great cover for a horror flick!


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