
Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Tower Records bites the dust

"Big box" discounters and on-line music downloading has finally sent Tower Records into liquidation...


At Tuesday, December 12, 2006 3:09:00 PM, Blogger Kimberley said...

Tis really sad.. With time comes newer and quicker ways to do every thing but in some cases time should remain still. I much prefer going into a store such as this browse listen learn than to press a button online..

At Tuesday, December 12, 2006 3:26:00 PM, Blogger Clo said...

I'm not an online buyer, so... I don't buy much CD either, but I prefer to, because I love the presentation, the illustrations and pictures inside of it. While you listen to the music, you can relax and look in the booklet.

But having a business is never something you can be sure of. It's always changing, and you have to adaptate yourself always... *sigh* Even in the Antiques bookshop...

At Tuesday, December 12, 2006 5:01:00 PM, Blogger Jozee said...

Yes we have a smallish chain here called Newbury Comics. Their primary product was music but when interviewed recently the owner of the chain said he expected not to be selling music within the next 10 years.

If we don't have to leave our houses to buy anything -how much more isolated will we become?

Hard to imagine Sunset Strip without Tower.

At Tuesday, December 12, 2006 7:40:00 PM, Blogger Judith said...

I know. I can't believe that even the LA store is going.
This is sad.
What next? Amoeba?

At Tuesday, December 12, 2006 8:40:00 PM, Blogger Christopher Steven b. said...

i prefer the paramecium.

hm. why do we want the stores to stay open? they sell a lot of shiny-wrapped plastic at inflated prices. Nobody is buying what they are selling, or certainly not enough are buying.

I sort of like the idea of an abacus, and i sort of like that an abacus factory hires abacus assembling workers. but i'm afraid that while i sort of like these things, i simply am not going to buy one of those abacuses. abacci? um.


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