a day at the museums

Yesterday I back-burnered everything I was supposed to do, and visited both the new deYoung Museum and the Legion of Honor...
Had a fine time... If you'd like to see more, click on these links:
hz0858 hz0912 hz0919 hz0899 hz0934 hz0904 hz0903 hz0908 hz0805 hz0823 hz0786 hz0815 hz0839 hz0893 hz0865 hz0830 hz0895 hz0942
That was a nice day at the museum
Wow what a diverse collection! There are some really beautiful works. And some interesting perspectives. Thank you for putting that all together.
thanks for showing so much, a lot of great masters
Well, you are all welcome ! It was a blast ! I just about wore myself out looking at all of that great stuff !
I think my favorite is the Legion of Honor, with a plethora of Rodins... And the deYoung is probably best known for it's extensive collection of African Art...
I still have lots to Photoshop -- eventually I'll put these, along with the artist and title information on photoarrow.com/big, so what you're seeing here is sort of a sneak preview...
What an awesome day! WOW
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